Which of the following statements is most true for you about your typical work-life balance?
            I am very satisfied with my work-life balance. I find a good balance between performing my job well and taking care of what is important to me in my personal life.
            I am satisfied with my work-life balance. I find that there may be room for improvement in terms of performing my job well and taking care of what is important to me in my personal life, but overall, it is working for me and my employer.
            I am neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with my work-life balance. I do what I need to in order to perform my job well and to attend to my personal life the best that I can.
            I am dissatisfied with my work-life balance. I find that there is room for improvement in terms of performing my job well and taking care of what is important to me in my personal life.
            I am very dissatisfied with my work-life balance. I often struggle with performing my job well and meeting the demands of what is important to me in my personal life.